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War 15 Premise

War 15 was inspired by the realization that January 2014 would be the twentieth anniversary of the first Forever Knight War.  When this was pointed out to the FORKNI-L mailing list community, it was quickly decided that the best possible way to celebrate the occasion was with another war.

At this point, the listowner, Lisa McDavid, told everyone that—while she had no objection in principle—any such war would have to be run by new rules.  In particular, she did not want to ask for a formal submission of war premises, from which she and her co-listowner, Don Fasig, would then have the responsibility of selecting one, whose originator would then be warleader.  Instead, she preferred something more free form.

After some discussion, therefore, ideas were presented for listmembers’ comments.  Parts of War 15 developed from these suggestions.  Mind you, in the event, a lot else went on too.  Wars are like that.

Suppose we start with the idea that everyone is coming to Toronto for a twentieth-anniversary celebration?  At that point, the notion of War isn't in the air: we're just coming to celebrate.  Only after a couple of days does the "premise" start.  That will give time for people to write their opening posts.

Greer Watson, 7 Nov 2013

The finer detail could revolve around renting, say, Casa Loma for a night.  Chaos could ensue---mishaps with the catering, accidental damage to the venerable property that must be fixed, sub-parties in those palatial stables (connected by a tunnel to the main house, just imagine the possibilities), goings-on on the roof (accessed through the attic and yes, open to the public).  Etc.  There's lots of scope for goofiness there, and people could just play as individuals and interact as a faction member with other individuals.

Nancy Kaminski, 11 Nov 2013

Let's elaborate things a bit.  Suppose that the initial premise is "Let's all go to Toronto and have one great party to celebrate the anniversary."  We decide (on or before arrival) that Casa Loma is the perfect venue. […] A war premise could then side-swipe our initial plans, complicating everything a bit.  We'd still all try to stay focused on the goal of getting our anniversary celebrations ready; but something else would be distracting us.

And then, after the distraction is resolved, we head for Casa Loma.  That way we *end* the war with our celebratory party.

Greer watson, 12 Nov 2013

Since McLisa says she's fine with people posting potential war premises, let me sketch mine out.

Our first premise is simple:  everyone is coming to Toronto for a big celebration of the 20th anniversary of the first war.  So for a couple of days we play with that.  People arrive, the venue (Casa Loma?) is hired, etc.

Then suddenly....

Some players would suddenly be absolutely *certain* that they belonged to a different faction.  (I have devised a whole little apparatus to "explain" this, which would be limited to the first and last posts, just to open and close things.)

Now this would be voluntary.  In all factions, there are bound to be some people who want to remain "normal".  People who are in tiny factions-of-one would probably want to stick with their original choice.  Independents, of course, make up their own minds.

Who changes (and into what) would be worked out within each faction, depending on what sort of ideas they think will be fun.

Three rules:

1.  The switch can *not* be to one of the other factions officially playing.  (Knighties can't become Vaqueras, Perks can't become Cousins, etc.)

2.   You'd still be playing with the faction you signed up for.

3.  No one can be "whammied" back to normal.

Greer Watson, 12 Nov 2013

Since Greer sent thru her premise, here is the short version of mine:

Nick finds what seems to be a ransom note for Schanke and for his own reasons decides to investigate Schanke's apparent kidnapping (along with his family).

The ransom note is screwy in that the ransom isn't demanding money but, instead, it's a list of random, mostly useless items. In fact, it reminds him of a scavenger hunt. So Nick divides up a copy of the list of items and asks us to search for as many of the items on the list as we can while he pursues his search for Schanke himself.

Arletta Asbury, 12 Nov 2013

Dona Angel has suggested that we include in our War 15 activities a tribute to the late Greg Kramer, who so ably played Screed in all-too-few episodes of Forever Knight. The idea has been passed by McLisa, who agrees that this is appropriate.

Greer Watson, 19 Nov 2013

This page and graphics copyright © Greer Watson 2014.