1. Fkfic-l is for Forever Knight fanfic only, and the occasional listowner-authorized informational post. Notes to authors go to private mail; discussion and requests for parts go to Forkni-l .
2. Fanfic must be specifically about Forever Knight. There must be specific references. If this is not possible, than an explanation should be given at the beginning.
3. FK may be crossed only with other television shows. It can not be crossed with other shows which are based on print-published media including comics. Crossovers must have the subject header xover: at the beginning of the subject line. It has to be spelled that way because the listserv doesn't recognize 'crossover," and it MUST have the colon. Crossovers must state which show FK is being crossed with.
4. Posts based on fanfic previously posted to Fkfic-l must have the written permission of the previous writer.
5. Sex scenes *MUST* have an adult topic header. This means the subject line begins like this -- Adult: and it MUST, repeat MUST, have the colon.
6. No real person may be depicted by name without the express, written permission of the person. Email counts as written permission.
7. Story parts should be numbered in the header after the end of the title.
8. No more than three parts of a story may be posted in 24 hours. Parts should not be more than 1000 lines. REPOSTS MUST HAVE THE LISTOWNER'S PERMISSION.
9. Please sign all parts at the end with your name and address. Not all mailers show the original poster of listmail in the headers. Names of FK characters may not be used to sign posts. Other names are okay.
Note: Sig lengths are limited to six lines.
10. In general, posts must be written by subscribers. If you want to post something by a non-subscriber, you need permission from the listowners. (And of course the author!)
11. To have your fiction archived, be sure to include a permission statement at the top of your story. It is possible to have work archived in certain places only, but you must say so in the permission statement.
12. FKFic-L posts must be the actual fanfic. Posting just the URL for fanfic posted elsewhere is not acceptable. (FK fanfic which listmembers have previously posted on another list or site is fine. This rule just means it has to be reposted to FKFic-L as text instead of as a link only.) You may give the link as well as posting the text.
Cousin McLisa McDavid "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l