The Taming of the Shrew

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The Taming of the Shrew was performed at Trinity-
St. Paul's United Church.
That's some Shrewtherers taking a stroll in the lower right of the photo.

After Saturday's performance Ger agreed to come out and
answer questions from us. He also allowed us to photograph him.
As he walked out the flashes started and didn't stop until after he
left. For one brief moment, when he made his appearance, I
thought I might be able to grab one really good photo, so I stood
up. It was only my intention to be standing for a second. Ger
hadn't even started talking yet. Well, I was hit so hard with a "SIT DOWN IN FRONT!" that
I literally stumbled. It felt as if I was physically hit. The photo above is the result. And yes, sigh,
it was a list person.

Here are the pictures that I did manage to take.