Fiction by Nancy Kaminski

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All stories are listed in the order they were published on FKFIC-L, NNPack, and the UF list. 
Reproduction of these stories for public distribution or profit is expressly forbidden without 
the permission of the author.
Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards
2001 Winner "A Moonlight Rendezvous" (adult vignette)
Finalists "As Time Goes By" (vignette)
"The Path" (vignette)
"Harvest of the Damned" (short story)
"Harvest of the Damned Redux" (Novelette)
2000 Finalists "Ruminations" (vignette)
"Remnants of a Life" (short story)
1999 Finalists
(winners never announced)
"Some Souvenirs Are More Useful Than Others" (vignette)
"Dona Nobis Pacem" (short story)
"Promises Kept" (historic short story)
"Deja Vu" (historic novella)
1998 Winner "Crossroad" (novella)
  Finalist "Promises Kept" (short story)
1997 Finalists "Deja Vu" (novella)
"The Server's Down and I Feel Fine" (short story)
"Sticky Wickets" (short story)
"Summer Samba" (vignette)
Suburban Life
Nicks' mortal, and he and Nat are married—but how is he going to adjust to life in the suburbs? Find out what happens when Nick explores the wonderful world of home maintenance. First in the Suburbia series. (June 1996)
Sticky Wickets
Sequel to "Suburban Life." Nick, Nat, and baby Michelle take part in the suburban ritual of the block party. It's all going well until Nick's "relatives" show up, and he is challenged to a game of…well, you'll have to read it to find out! Second in the Suburbia series. (December 1996)
Deja Vu
Natalie has found nick's cure, and he is once again mortal. Unfortunately, there's one little side effect she didn't count on—the cure has erased Nick's memory of the last eight hundred years. My entry in the Memory Challenge. (April 1997)
Summer Samba
A romantic Nick and Nat interlude with a South American beat. (July 1997)
Fly Me to Brazil
Sequel to "Summer Samba." The romantic interlude continues—in Rio de Janiero. (August 1997)
Close Call: The
Unspoken Epilogue
What happened after Schanke met Lacroix in "Close Call?" My entry in the Unsuited Challenge. (August 1997)
The Server's Down
and I Feel Fine
What happens when Nick can't log on to the server, and the Help Desk is Unhelpful? First in the Mortal Annoyances series. (September 1997)
A Zucchini by Any
Other Name Would
Taste as Bland
It's that time of year again when surplus vegetables are brought to work to give away. Suddenly, there are zucchini everywhere, including Nick's desk. Second in the Mortal Annoyances series. (September 1997)
The Reluctant
Vampire Affair
A crossover with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Reclusive Nick Forrester accidentally gets involved in international smuggling and espionage, and finds himself working with U.N.C.L.E. agents Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin to save the world from the evil designs of THRUSH and their latest associate—master vampire Lucien Lacroix. (August 1997)
Nick is plagued with nightmares of his past crimes, and starts thinking about the only way to end his misery and save the world from his evil. Can a humble parish priest pursuade him not to walk into the sunrise? (November 1997–January 1998)
A Fate Worse
Than Death
Whatever happened to Len and Brenda Hubbard's children? Here's one explanation. A Black Harbour story, and winner of the First Annual Hubbard Award, given by the BH List. (February 1998)
Good Help is
Hard to Find
Even vampires need home repairs now and then—and now, Nick's shutters don't work. Unfortunately, every electrician in Toronto is busy. What's an undead creature of the night to do? Third in the Mortal Annoyances series. (April 1998)
Music Hath Charms…
Lacroix visits Nick to chat about archaeology and the old home town. Their chat is interrupted by something entirely unextpected. Warning: ADULT themes, torture by accordion. (April 1998)
A Broken Citadel
A long-lost manuscript tells of a strange encounter in the Palestinian desert. Was a classic history rewritten to hid the truth? (May 1998)
Fun, Fun, Fun
How does Nat pass the time when there's no one to dissect and everything in the lab is tidied up? An answer to LeeAnn Pultz's Rock Star Challenge. (July 1998)
Lacroix revisits Pompeii on the anniversary of his rebirth. My entry in the Conversion Day Challenge from Erika Wilson. (August 1998)
Mischief Night
Why did nick Forrester have a receipt for 72 rolls of toilet paper in his wallet? This challenge story tells all! (November 1998)
A Christmas Challenge story. Sometimes a small gesture can make all the difference in the world. (December 1998)
Promises Kept
Lacroix returns to Toronto to keep a final promise. (December 1998)
It's a Palindromic Life
"Last Knight" left us all wondering what really happened after Lacroix raised the shillelagh o' doom over Nick's back. Well, here it is—and nothing is as it seems! (April 1999)
The Tale of the
Shillelagh o' Doom
Why does Nick keep a stake in his living room? Here's one explanation. (September 1999)
Some Souvenirs Are
More Userful Than
A sequel to "The Tale of the Shillelagh o' Doom." Yet another explanation why Nick keeps that stake in the living room. (November 1999)
Dona Nobis Pacem
A Christmas story from Nick's mortal past. (December 1999)
A Thousand Years
The new millennium arrives, but Nick Knight isn't celebrating with the rest of Toronto. Why? (December 31, 1999)
Remnants of a Life
An ordinary package of Twinkies is a painful reminder for Nick. (January 2000)
It's the Thought That Counts Conversion Day Challenge 2000. It's Lacroix's anniversary again, and Nick remembers it in a fitting style. (August 2000)
Card Challenge What did Nick write on that birthday card he gave Natalie? Here are my entries in the Card Challenge. (August 2000)
An Inauspicious Night Full Moon Challenge. It's Friday the Thirteenth and a full moon. Is Nick superstitious, even a tiny bit? (October 2000)
Into the Woods Fractured Fairy Tale Challenge. Nick takes a break from his urban lifestyle only to find himself in an alternate dimension—one that features witches, quaint cottages, and Kipling. (October 2000)
Paper Chase (Originally published in "A Taste of Forever" in 1999) Everyone gets junk mail, and Nick Knight is no exception. But Nick's junk mail gets out of control and he doesn't know why. Fourth in the Mortal Annoyances series. (October 2000)
Ruminations (Originally published in "A Taste of Forever" in 1999) Myra Schanke has second thoughts about her husband's new partner. (November 2000)
Deadly Stakes Nick plays a deadly game, gambling for a young girl's life in the French seaside casino of Royale les Eaux. (December 2000)
A Moonlight
Nick encounters Lacroix in a most unusual place. (January 2001)
The Path Why did Nick settle in Toronto? Here's the real reason. (May 2001)
A Work of Art is a Joy Forever Conversion Day Challenge 2001. Nick once again remembers Lacroix's Conversion Day with a gift that is enjoyed by more than the recipient. (August 2001)
Harvest of the Damned, or an Eggplant is Just a Zucchini in Drag Once again surplus produce finds its way onto unsuspecting coworkers' desks. But unlike zucchini, the surplus eggplants have an unexpected effect on the vampire population of Toronto. Fifth in the Mortal Annoyances series. (September 2001)
Harvest of the Damned Redux, or Attack of the Killer Kumquats Inspired by "Harvest of the Damned." Nick finds out about kumquats the hard way. Sixth in the Mortal Annoyances series. Includes the alternate ending! (December 2001)
As Time Goes By It's the end of a tragic year as well as the anniversary of something Nick would rather forget. (December 31, 2001)
Checking In,
Checking Out
Where do television characters go when the Powers That Be kill them off for no good reason? How about fired studio executives? Here's one theory. (March 2002)
Bearding the Devil Conversion Day Challenge 2002. Natalie acknowledges Lacroix's Conversion Day with a card. Why? (August 2002)
It Seemed Like a Good
Idea at the Time
Nick and Schanke are handed an assignment that's not exactly their cup of tea, but somehow manage to cope with drunks and stolen stop signs, turkeys, Leggos, and other strange items. (October 2002)
Bah! Humbug! Janette is fed up with mortals' Christmas spirit, but Nick still finds a way to celebrate the season. Includes a cameo by another (future) vampire. (December 2002)
Small is Beautiful Lacroix finds that small is, indeed, beautiful. Motor on, General! My entry in the 150-word Unthinkable Challenge. (March 2003)
Oops! Or How Lacroix Got the Shaft Even 2000-year-old vampires get frustrated with the kids. A short-short story written on a Friday the 13th with a full moon in answer to the 500-word challenge. (June 2003)
Non Potes Semper Capere Quod Aves Conversion Day Challenge 2003. Lacroix doesn't seem to appreciate Nick's Conversion Day present—or does he? As the title says, "you can't always get what you want." (August 2003)
Lupercalian Promises A Valentine Day story of adolescent, um, love? (February 2004)
A Captive Audience Usually, having to spend the day in the Caddy's trunk isn't all that bad. Unfortunately, This time Nick has Schanke and his unusual musical taste to contend with. My entry in the Kickstart the Knight's Didgeridoo Challenge. (June 2004)
The Lure of the Alternanthera, or Clocknapped! An FK/X Files crossover story with Halloween overtones. Why are aliens preying on the parks of Ontario? (November 2004)
Bells on Bobtail Ring Nick comes up with the perfect Christmas present for Natalie. (December 2004)
Anno Mirabilis, Anno Horribilis Conversion Day Challenge 2006. It's exactly one year since Lucius Divius joined the world of the undead, and his daughter and master, Divia, has planned a celebration for him that is perfect—in her eyes, at least. (August 2006)
Singing Up the Sun Nick takes refuge in a seemingly empty cave, only to find that it's the home of a rather grumpy dragon, and spends a memorable Winter Solstice. Vampires, dragons, and witches, oh my! (December 2007)
The Confidant Natalie reveals why she became a pathologist when she and Nick exchange their now-traditional exchange of answers to long-standing questions. A Christmas story, with dead people. (December 2009)