================================================= Oops! By Nancy Kaminski (c) June 13, 2003 (Friday the 13th, with a full moon) ================================================= Nicholas trudged grimly through the dark alley, silently cursing the sudden crowd who had interfered with his attempt to apprehend a fleeing murder suspect. He was just about to launch himself into the air when a bar door had burst open and spewed forth six tipsy potential witnesses. The perp had leaped into a car and sped away, leaving Nick fuming in the slushy street. To top it off, it was snowing again, his shoes were sopping wet, and cold water was trickling down his collar. He aimed a kick at a nearby drift. Now he had to return to his partner empty-handed --- the bad end of a bad night. A black shape dropped out of the sky directly in front of him. "Nicholas, I want a word with you --- now!" Lacroix did not look happy. Nick's night had just become even worse. Nick trudged past his master. "Not now," he said crossly, "I'm working." Lacroix stared disbelievingly after Nick's retreating back. "Come back here, Nicholas! I want to talk to you...get back here! You stole my Urn of Amara, and I want it back!" Nick disappeared around the corner without a word. With an incoherent roar, Lacroix sped after his errant son at vampire speed. His rage was so great at this show of disrespect that he paid no attention to his surroundings, specifically, the sheet of ice that glazed the alley. As the master vampire rounded the corner, his feet went in one direction while the rest of him went in another. The roar of outrage suddenly became a roar of surprise as Lacroix's derriere hit the pavement and the two-thousand-year-old vampire slid, at great velocity, into the side of a garage with a resounding 'whoomp!', coming to a halt at the feet of his astonished offspring. As Lacroix stared up into Nick's surprised face, they both heard an ominous crack. Lacroix's gaze shifted from Nick's face towards the source of the noise just in time to see an enormous icicle detach itself from the eaves of the garage and arrow downwards. He had just enough time to think, "I must have knocked it loose when I hit the wall," before it impaled him unerringly in the center of the chest. Staked! The huge icicle (which, ironically, weighed precisely eighty-one kilos) passed neatly through the vampire to shatter on the asphalt beneath his back. Despite this, a large chunk of ice remained in Lacroix's chest, causing him to gasp with the cold that enveloped his ancient heart. Nick bent over to examine the damage. "I wouldn't worry, Lacroix," he said conversationally. "It's just water." He looked up at the garage eaves. "Maybe you want to scoot away from the wall. Looks like another one is going to fall." He stepped backwards to make room, his good humor restored. "And I didn't take your Urn of Amara --- it's a fake. Last time I saw it, you were using it for your toothbrush holder. Check your bathroom." The End