=================== The Card Challenge August 2000 =================== "It's a Guy Thing" August 2, 2000 Dear Nat: You can hold the remote this month. Love, Nick ~~~~~ "Hey, I've Got a Good Excuse" August 2, 2000 Dear Nat: I'm really sorry I forgot your birthday, but you see, my family always celebrated name days, not birthdays. 'Natalie' comes from 'natalis dies,' or 'birthday,' which refers to Christ's birthday. So I have a really big surprise planned for you on Christmas Day. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed the daisies. Your old-fashioned guy, Nick ~~~~~ "It's a Guy Thing, Part II" August 2, 2000 Dear Nat: I'm really, really sorry. I promise to pick up the wet towels in the bathroom so you won't trip on them. Oh, and leave the seat down, too. Love, Nick ~~~~~ August 3, 2000 "Et Tu, Nicholas?" Dear Natalie: Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?* If you want a translation, come to the loft. The Latin-English dictionary is on the third shelf on the left. I'll help. Love, Nick *I was kidnapped by aliens. What year is it? Sentence courtesy of "Latin for All Occasions" by Henry Beard ~~~~~ "You're Right, Nat" August 7, 2000 Dear Nat: You're right, I *am* a thoughtless, klewless, self-centered, pathetic excuse for a human being. I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. Just a reminder - I have *really* good hearing. I wasn't eavesdropping on you and Grace, honestly. And I'm touched that you called me a human being, even though you added the bit about being thoughtless, klewless, self-centered, and pathetic. That's one of the things I love about you - your ability to see the plus side in any situation. Forgive me? All my love, Nick