Newsletter for the Kickstart the Knight Project  • Jan–Mar 2004    

About Valentine's Day
The Language of Roses
Valentine Fiction Challenge
Valentine Recipes
Valentine Auction
Upcoming Events
Actor Updates
Classified Ads
FK Links
Contact TPTB
Crusader Staff


Feb. 15–22
auction page


It's been a really cold winter for almost everyone, so we thought we would warm things up by turning your thoughts to that most romantic of holidays, Saint Valentine's Day. We've collected some interesting Valentine facts to share for you in this edition of the Crusader—history of the holiday, the hidden meaning of roses, and some tasty recipes to make for your beloved.

This edition we have another auction, with lots of great Forever Knight items for you to bid on. The money we earn from the auction will help us in our quest for more Forever Knight DVDs, merchandise, and more! 

To cap off our celebration of the Holiday of Romance, we are running the Saint Valentine's Day Fiction Challenge. Please visit the fiction page and read the entries, and then vote for you favorite. The winner will receive a beautiful Valentine—chocolate, of course! 

As always, the Crusader Crew has worked very hard to make this a great place to spend some time and catch up on everything FK. We appreciate any and all feedback. Tell us what you like, what you don't like, and what you would do to improve things. And, of course, let us know if you like it the way it is! 

The Crusader Crew wishes everyone a happy and loving Saint Valentine's Day!

Susan Ellen Field
Editor-in-Chief and Kickstart the Knight Fearless Leader

Newsletter for the Kickstart the Knight Project  • Jan–Mar 2004