Newsletter for the Kickstart the Knight Project  • Summer 2003    

Charity Auction
FK on DVD!
Upcoming Events
Memory Challenge
FK Links
Contact TPTB
Crusader Staff

If you have something FK- or fan-related you wish to buy, trade, or sell, send your classified ad to Susan Ellen Field. And if you have information about any new zines, let April Hackett know, and we'll get them listed here.

For Sale

Forever Knight Audio Fan Fiction. Dragon's Lair Studios, fan-run since 1996, produces fan fiction audio cassettes, $10 a title, all proceeds benefiting charity. Personal Servitude, Vengeance is Mine, On Holy Ground (drama); My Cups Runneth Over, Reality is a Lie, Fangs for the Memories, Darkest Knight, Brightest Light (comedy) are currently available. NOTE: Audio tapes are for an adult audience! And for the Lacroix fans out there—check out the online broadcasts of Whispers in the Dark — where brand new CERK radio programs can be heard!  To order, visit the Dragon's Lair Studios website or contact Victor Rosetti.
GWD Videos. Is there a GWD video missing from your collection, and it's not being aired within one thousand miles of your VCR? Maybe I can help you! Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for details to Valerie J. Bristor, 2334 Cypress Bend Dr. #912, Pompano Beach FL 33069.
Forever Knight Soundtracks. GNP Crescendo is now offering the two FK soundtracks as a boxed set for $19.98! Fred Mollin's music is a must for every FK fan.
Fanzines. Secret Pleasures Press offers fanzines in many different fandoms, including Forever Knight, due South, Buffy, Dark Shaodws, MacGyver, and X-Files, just to name a few, and caters to many different tastes. They are also currently seeking submissions for a number of upcoming fanzines. Visit their website for more information. 
Fanzines. NorthCoast Press offers the new Man from UNCLE zine, Sins of the Father, the sequel to The Father's Day Affair, by Pat Dunn and Diana Smith. 82 pages, color cover (scrumptious IK drawing by Joni Warden), and comb-bound. $8. Priority postage in the US, $4, airmail to Europe, $8. To order, send a check or money order (made out to Lisa Madden) to: Lisa Madden, 145 Greenward Way S, North Olmsted OH 44070. Check the NorthCoast Press website for more zines, including these new Buffy titles: Innocent Blood, Trick of the Dark, Heart of Darkness, and King of the Dark
Charity Fanzine. Now offering A Taste of Forever in PDF format. This very successful zine earned $2500 for Children's Hospital on behalf of the Geraint Wyn Davies Fan Club, and has been out of print for several years. You can now enjoy fiction by some of the best writers in the fandom as well as illustrations by Dorothy Elggren. $10 plus $3.50 s/h for a CD containing the zine in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Print out your own copy, or read it online! Contact Nancy Kaminski to order your copy.
Newsletter for the Kickstart the Knight Project  • Summer 2003