Newsletter for the Kickstart the Knight Project  • Fall 2003    
FK on DVD!

FK on DVD!
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Forever Knight is finally on DVD! 

Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment has released "Forever Knight the Trilogy: Part One" on DVD. Many of us have already received our boxed sets (the release date is October 21) 

The boxed set consists of five DVDs. They contain the Canadian version of the first season, with the exception of one scene in Dark Knight: Part 1. The scene that is missing is the one in which Nick and Alyce go up the stairs in the museum, and Nick stops to comment on a suit of armor that is incorrectly put together. 

So keep your tapes of that episode—and enjoy your DVDs! You can order them from most online bookstores and DVD suppliers. 

The boxed set retails for $79.95, but you can order it for less. Some prices (as of October 21) are:

Deep Discount DVDs: $56.26 $55.96
Barnes & Noble: $59.96 $59.95
Newsletter for the Kickstart the Knight Project  • Fall 2003