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How to Create Beautiful Plain Text Emails
(and Avoid =20 Disease)

What's the Problem?
People who are used to the newer email clients that automatically create HTML or rich text messages sometimes have problems sending clean posts to FORKNI-L and FKFIC-L. The features that make your mail look so attractive and expressive—different fonts, colors, and styles—can create a nightmare of unintended symbols appearing in your posted emails.

This happens because the PSU list server can only process plain text characters. When it runs across a special character (for instance, curly quotes instead of straight quotes)…

“curly quotes” vs. "straight quotes"

…it substitutes a plain text code. When this happens, your email shows up with strange notations like "=20" sprinkled all through it, making your post very difficult to read.

How Do You Avoid This?
There are a number of ways you can avoid =20 disease:

  • Turn off all HTML/rich text formatting in your email client
  • Write your story in a word processor and save the file as text with line breaks
  • Write your story in a text editor

The most surefire way to avoid =20 disease is to write your story in a text editor. A text editor never uses special characters or formatting, so you'll never have a problem with weird characters in your list posts.

There are many text editors available for you to use. The most common one is Notepad, which ships with all Microsoft operating systems. You'll find it under Accessories in your Start menu.

There are also shareware text editors that have more features than Notepad has, such as search-and-replace and spell checking. One easy-to-use text editor I recommend is UltraEdit, available for free through www.shareware.com.

A couple of the features I like that many text editors have are line and column numbering. With line numbering turned on, you can tell exactly how long your post is, and whether or not you have to divide it into sections to meet the 300 line maximum allowed by FKFIC-L. With column numbering, you can specify how long your lines of text are. The best length is from 60 to 70 characters. If you set the line length to no more than 70 characters, your posts will not show up with alternating long-short-long lines.

In Summary
To ensure you send a nice, clean post to the FK mailing lists:

  • Use a text editor to write your story.
  • Make sure your post is at the most 300 lines long. When you add in the headers that are added in the emailing process, I find that cutting a story at 275 lines avoids possible rejections by the server.
  • Make sure your line lengths are no more than 70 characters. Set your editor to add a hard carriage return at the end of each line for the best results in posting.
  • To finish your plain text polished look, separate your paragraphs with a hard carriage return or indent the first line of a new paragraph with 3 to 5 spaces.