Welcome to the Nunkies Anonymous War 12 Website

Here is where you can get all the information you need about our faction, our members, our permission to play and how to join us if you want to.

Nunkies Anonymous was established by Ann Raper and Jules Stafford as an homage to their favorite Forever Knight character, LaCroix. These two fine ladies saw LaCroix in a different light than had been established on the screen--suave, sexy, chilling, sexy, intimidating, sexy . . . well, maybe not so different than what was on the screen.

Over the years, NA became an established faction in the Forever Knight Wars. Although we have no control of the LaCroix character (that's what the Cousins are for), we have a lot of fun playing with him.

So, if you are inclined to worship LaCroix at his Shrine (which was blown up), wear togas (or not), drool (or not) and sell Nunkies Scout Cookies, come play with us. We promise you'll have fun.

Patt Elmore, Nunkwrangler

Christy Stillman, Nunkateer

Neopet Peach Chia

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My Name   My Permission to Play   Who I am
Patt, Nunkwrangler   I, Patt Elmore, patt79ad@juno.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing."   My name is Patt Elmore. This is my fourth war, if I count them right. I somehow got roped into being a leader in NA, I guess because I'm so wordy.

Anyway, I'm short, fat, old and grumpy. I have short, permed hair; brown eyes, wear glasses and drive a maroon pickup truck with an ugly camper shell. I'm intimidated by LaCroix, and he uses that to his advantage.

Christy, Nunkateer   I, Christy Stillman, nunketeer@yahoo.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   I'm Christy Stillman, aka the Nunketeer.  I'm a huge Disney fan and my Mickey Mouse ears remain firmly planted upon my head during every War.  I'm 5'1" tall; we won't discuss weight.  My hair is a light auburn (L'oreal Preference Creme #R6 to be exact <G>) and I generally wear it flipped under somewhere between chin and shoulder length.  Eyes are green, and I'm 45 years old.  Like Bonnie, I have a deep love of nonsensible shoes and have even been known to try to break into her shoe closet...just to BORROW a pair, of course.  Alas, I was thwarted.  *sigh*  Due to certain...ahem...unfortunate events during War 10, I am forbidden to touch any Shrine-related credit cards, so Patt's in charge of the finances.  <G>   I think this will be my third war.  After a while, you sort of forget.  Especially if you do much writing.  <G>  I offered to take permission slips last time and somehow wound up as Patt's second-in-command.  I'm still not really certain how I got shanghaied into that, but it turned out to be the most frustrating, exhausting fun I've ever had, so I'm back for more.  Perhaps I have a bit of a masochistic streak.  <G>
Bons, Llama Couterintelligence, Scribe on the Lam.   I, Bonnie Rutledge, llamababe@carolina.rr.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   Short, vaguely hobbity perky redhead. I smell of chlorine and Dior's "Hypnotic Poison." Have weaknesses for coffee, Incas, Battle Yaks and carrots.
Caren   I, Caren Thomas, cajuncaety@hotmail.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing."   5'4", brown spiked hair, green eyes, LOVE Mel, will be able to do whatever Patt wants to write me doing.
Shele   I, Shele McCaa, kartaan@earthlink.net, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   Evil. Mean. Silly. Short, auburn-haired, green-eyed, freckled. I like things that are sharp. And things that are shiny. I like Sealab2021 and The Venture Bros. I am pragmatic. I believe Nunkies exists to amuse me. Once upon a time I made quick with the limericks and haiku and was dubbed the NA Poet Laureate. I have an intense dislike for Nick Knight. I spent much of War 11 in a bouffant hairdo, riding around on a peach-colored fire truck with my (non-playing character) companion/slave Ted, leading a band of chickens ("When War Pranks Go Bad").
Roger (Erik, aka L'Phantom)   I, Roger Armstrong, eriklebeau@hithanaur.net, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L as a member of Nunkies Anonymous, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   I'm Roger (who usually goes by Erik in wartime), the original Nunkamale. (The jury is still out on whether or not that's something to be proud of.) I'm 5'5", with brown hair to the bottom of my neck which is usually mussed, and dark chocolate brown eyes. I'm supposed to wear glasses, but I am notorious for taking them off, setting them down, and forgetting about them. I tend to not smile broadly because my front two teeth are badly chipped as a result of having fallen down a flight of concrete stairs and faceplanting into a cinderblock wall. I'm a veteran of three Wars, and retain an unnatural phobia of that wholly demonic color, Evil Pink(tm). I will be joined this war by my yellow (almost white) labrador retriever, Usagi. She is almost three years old, 55 pounds, and agility-trained.
Jules   I, Julie Stafford, playing as High Priestess Jules, KnightGal@aol.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   Slim, redhead, hates grout, rules NA with iron fist, wants Nunkies all to herself, hates sharpening pencils, loves dogs.
Krista   I, Krista Stechman, lillychevalier@yahoo.co.nz, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   I'm 23, and a freezer worker in a venison plant in New Zealand. If anyone at work is looking for me the general answer is "Oh, the nut with the purple hair, she's around somewhere". And yes, my hair is actually purple (I'm thinking blue, next time), it helps people locate me in a way that 1.57m never did. I also wear steel toed white work boots.
Katherine The Banshee   I, Katherine DeVries. banshee1@tampabay.rr.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   Late 30's, 5ft 4 in tall, dark blonde hair, blue eyes, plump. <g> Terribly nearsighted, must have contacs or glasses in order to see. Quick to smile and slow to anger but if I'm riled I'm fierce.
Lisl   I, Lisl Krieger, lislk357@yahoo.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing."   I am 5'9" with auburn hair, blue eyes and glasses. While I also consider myself a Cousin, I have always had a tendency to drool alot at the mention of His Nunkieness. I have both cats and dogs and a large collection of books and movies. I have been a reader of other wars (like in the beginning...) but now that I am back in school and studying to be a sign language interpreter, I will probably not have time to write. However, I am more than happy to have others write me in. I live in Fort Worth, Texas.
Alyce   Alyce Crimaldi, mithmith37@excite.com ,hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing  

I'm a 35 year old single mother, 5 foot 1, with the perfect hourglass figure. I am also currently a redhead...dark auburn to be exact. I am a classic Capricorn...I can't stand bullsh*t, headgames or liars. I don't like seafood, melons or quiche. My hobbies are sword/knife collecting, vampires, dragons, playing with my daughter, and reading. I am often known as stubborn and will stick to my guns (even when wrong.) I am a part time student, and a part time Pre-school teacher. I have a psychology degree. I have a dog (sheltie), a tabby cat, and a zillion fish...(340 gallons worth at last count) I drive a purple mini-van that I am currently "pimpin out". Complete with silver flames and dragons down the side when the paint job is done).

Monte   I, Monte Thomas, no email, will read from Caren's, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   5'8", 160 lbs, dirty blonde hair, gray eyes, built like Mel Gibson (Caren said to write this), singing monk, tempermental, sarcastic wit, loves baseball, soccer, and HATES politicians.
Cheyenne   I, Cheyenne Thomas, princeoffire8@yahoo.ca, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing."   Female, age 16. Tall with black hair, short down to shoulders. Eyes are brown. I like to draw alot. I'm really good with computers. I'm some what hard-headed, but kinda couragous in my own way. I stand up for what I believe in and I hate people who think they are better than others. I only dress in black and red and I hang around unusal people.
Paul   I, Paul Thomas, cajuncaety@hotmail.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing   5'9", 190 lbs, greenish grey eyes, buzzed brown hair, dog loving (cat HATING) heavy swordfighter, collector of guns and art (surreal). Almost 20.
Shelly   I, Shelly Ebarb, Cajuncaety@hotmail.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing   I am 5'9", blue eyes, brown hair.  Likes:  Icees, El Chico, The Simpsons.  Dislikes:  bad drivers.
Dee   I, Dee Asztalos, mrslc118@yahoo.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   I am 5 feet 7 inches tall, very dark brown shoulder length hair, and dark brown eyes, fair skin. Likes:  Italian food, reading, Fall (my favorite season!), going out for long walks, birds of all kinds, purple, all kinds of music, slow dancing, the beach, drinks with rum, scary movies, Edgar Allan Poe, tall blue-eyed vampires (hmmm...wonder who *that* could be?)   Dislikes: Rude people, creamed spinach, shopping at Malls, Brussels sprouts, huge crowds, traffic jams...   Skills:  Well, I'm a medical transcriptionist so I can type fast.  I'm intuitive, a half-way decent cook, and I get along with people very well (love to meet all kinds of people)...
Rob   I, Rob Harding, avigators@adelphia.net,  hereby express my intention toparticipate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grantpermission to other participants to portray me as a character in theirwriting."   Six feet tall.  Brown hair; green eyes.  Likes running, Disney, and Star Trek.  Is particularly impressed by the Borg and would like to be assimilated by 7 of 9.  Is a Drum Corps FANATIC and dreams of traveling with Santa Clara Vanguard one day.  Rob has never watched Forever Knight and is not a fan of the show, but has been convinced by Christy and Patt that he will have lots of fun romping through fictional Toronto with NA.  And he will.  We ga-ron-tee it.
Beverley   I, Beverly Gordon ("Beverley" in the FK War realm -- as per the actor who portrays our beloved Nunkies on TV), foreverlurker@yahoo.com, hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.   Beverley is about five feet five inches in height thin, with very long, dark hair. She works in the research library at Rockefeller University in NYC (midtown Manhattan, I think). Her team is the Boston Red Sox, so she's probably been watching the World Series as opposed to answering e-mail lately. Beverly enjoys privacy, and lives in an apartment in Queens. She doesn't drive and always uses the subways. Her sense of direction is questionable, but she got Patt and Caren around NYC just fine during a recent visit.
Jesse   I, Cousin Jesse, shadowdancer007@hotmail.com playing as Cousin Jesse hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War 12 on FKFIC-L, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing."   Shoulder lenght curly brown hair, with some touches of silver (bah on this getting old ;), hazel green eyes, glasses, 5'1 and 3/4s, 115lbs...mmm not sure what else. Talents etc.... horseback riding, fencing, archery, rock climbing....mmm those have been my main hobbies for the past few years, other than RPG'ing. Dislikes: running, water (especially swimming), cooking (and other domestic tasks), small children