"Gangs of Vampire Socks"

 They were brought across in 1998
 Preyed on dryers for their lint.
 Now, they want to be paired again.
 To repay consumers for their sins
 To emerge from their world of oneness
 From their endless...Forever Right...
                         ...or Left...? - Angela Durrell

I have strange mental pictures of vampire socks roaming through my cupboards attacking my underwear and other socks that had managed to keep together, introducing them to the dark side of the drawer....arrgghh! - Jayne Gleed

Janette would definitely be silk stockings.... with a seam, and the type that require a lacy garter to keep them up! Nick would be... argyles? nobody's every perfectly comfortable with argyles, and Nick certainly isn't comfortable with himself! Natalie would probably be warm woolen comfy socks, the kind you cuddle up on the couch with. LaCroix? Black silk/cotton blend? not sure on this one... Vachon.... I can see him in white tube socks under all the black leather! (ewww! what a thought!) Tracy is definitely cotton anklets. No, make that knee socks! (like the ones girls wear with a school uniform) Urs is fishnet stockings.... seductive, but trampy. Screed? mismatched socks, of course, from the Salvation Army bin. Don... maybe Don needs the argyles. But then what would Nick wear? - Carla Martinek

If Schanke wore argyles, I'd bet Myra made sure they were hand-knit.
If you're female and have ever had to wear (*gasp, choke*) *nylons*, you know that there is no such thing as a vampire sock -- only vampire *furniture* which likes to stick its fangs into your hose just as you have an important interview, or a hot date, or want to impress somebody... - Brenda F. Bell

It strikes me that LC's socks wouldn't *dare* get lost. However, it does raise an interesting vision of him at an all night laundromat trying to separate delicates from regular wash. - Barbara Vainio

I just had a vision of LaCroix holding up two socks and staring at the heels and whammying them into staying together in the washer and dryer. Hmmmm...could whammying socks cause static cling? - Terri Wadsworth