Date:         Sun, 12 Oct 1997 15:23:51 -0400
Reply-To:     Forever Knight TV show 
Sender:       Forever Knight TV show 
From:         Laurie Schlagel 
Subject:      An Eight Year Old's Take On FK

The two children of my best friend, who I visit frequently, have been bugging me
 for a while to show them some FK, their interest piqued by my constant
 chattering about the show. (Jamie spent most of my last visit with two pretzel
 rods stuck in her mouth, going, "Look, Laurie, fangs!)

So after several aborted prior attempts (it figures that with 130 cable channels
 to pick from, the Sci Fi Channel is the *only* one with reception problems),
 this weekend we viewed Father Figure and parts of Dark Knight. They're eight
 and nine (Edward), and watched with full parental permission (although both mom
 and dad watch almost no tv, and refused to have anything to do with this little
 conversion exercise). I'll also add that they are both quite savvy kids, and as
 we were watching, I would pause to explain stuff, answer questions (so they
 also got an FK history lesson at the same time), and also occasionally hit the
 fast forward (mainly through the very "talky" bits).

Herewith an eight and nine year old's take on FK, in no particular order:

1) Jamie thought Nick was very cute, and both thought Natalie was very pretty,
 Jamie said she might want to look like her when she grows up. Of course, they
 said the same exact thing about Janette ...

2) About halfway through DK, Jamie remarked, "Nick's pretty stupid and pretty
 smart at the same time."

3) When Edward asked whether Janette liked being a vampire, Jamie rolled her
 eyes and replied, "Of course, she does, Edward. The only one who doesn't like
 being a vampire is Nick."

4) During the first LC/Nick/Alyse scene, Jamie knew exactly where she stood on
 the question "Which is it going to be, the girl or the cup?" When Nick went to
 save Alyse, and the cup dropped, Jamie was like "He should have gone for the
 cup." I asked her why, and her comments were "Well, she's just gonna die
 anyway. The daddy vampire (LC) is just gonna kill her later. After all, she's
 only the guest star." and "Nick should think more of himself. "

5) Edward wondered why Nick, being 800 years old and all, didn't know that a
 metal stake would not kill a vampire.

6)  They both wanted to know if LC was really dead, so I told them about Killer
 Instinct.  And of course they both wanted to know how LC managed to come back
 to life. Which led to a brief conversation on plot holes and continuity. They
 were both extremely annoyed that no explanation was given; Jamie's comment was,
 "Those dumb producers. They always do that."

7) They wanted to know how LC became a vampire. I left *that* tale for another

8) They wanted to know how the series ended. They figured either Nick accepted
 his vampirism or Natalie found a cure. I didn't have the heart to tell them
 that there were actually other alternatives.  I told them that sometimes series
 end without everything being resolved. After all, that is the way FK ended,
 without everything being resolved, right?

9) Later that evening, at bedtime, Jamie decided that she had to keep the light
 on in her room, cause she was scared vampires might come and get her. I
 threatened to never ever show her another second of FK, and she soon changed
 her tune.

10) They both want to know about Nick's family from before he was a vampire, and
 want me to bring Be My Valentine next time, although they weren't too thrilled
 when I told them that BMV was kind of a "mushy" ep.

11) They really want to see Green Eggs and Ham again, which I had shown them
 previously. Jamie was like, "Aha, that's why he said Schanke-I-Am."

Laurie Schlagel, MercBard, Will FILK for Chocolate
"The proof is in a single strand of hair. It's really silver."

An Eight Year Old's Take On FK - A Follow-Up

My thirteen year old watches when she is not doing something else - she is a Buffy fan too. Re: Nick - "Oh he has such big puppy dog eyes! We should put him in a puppy suit!" (Plainly too much Animaniacs and perhaps that Rosie O"Donnell when Donny Osmond had to wear the infamous puppy suit and sing Puppy Love" Re:Vachon - If he got left out in the sun he'd fry and just his hair would be left." - "Casting T.F. Stone"