FoD Permission Slips

I give my permission for my name and likeness to be used in Forever Knight War XI

Kathy Schultz

The Fods have permission to use me in the upcoming war XI as Spifff.
J. Anderson.

I Cindy Brewer give permission for my name and likeness to be used in the Forever Knight Fiction War number XI.

I, Leah McCann, give my permission to be used in the Fanfic War XI.

I'm up for the FOD War effort.

Include Ron the Enforcer in all the fun

ron the enforcer

I, Valerie Gilson, hereby give permission to Cindy Brewer to use me in the Forever Knight War 11 as a member of the FODs... I will be written as Senara. This permission is exclusive to Cindy Brewer and may not be transferred to anyone else.

Valerie (Senara)

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