Okay, we're going good here - another Artist has joined the fun. And she's written a steamy story for us, in response to a mailing list challenge. And, wouldn't you know it, she's even used one of my favorite couples, too!
Wow! She may not be fast (g), but when she writes a story, she writes a story. I think she's been hanging around Uncle too long - her penchant for evil has grown by leaps and bounds, which you will witness for yourselves when you read the delightfully wicked Station Break.
Oh, I have been waiting for this for a *long* time - the sequel to "Station Break" is finally here, and talk about being worth the wait! Man, oh man - is Nick going to be sorry for what he did to LaCroix - or is he? The answer involves some Light Reading.
This one's a bit on the long side, so if you'd like a quicker download, try the Light Reading WinZip file, instead.
More of a "Nick" story than a "relationship" story, Don't Tease the Animals made me laugh out loud when I first read it, and I know that you'll get a kick out of it, too! Go on, give it a chance!
Ah, more delights with Nick and LaCroix - I warn you, I was on the floor during this one - with joy, of course, get your minds out of the gutter. :) Ah, those wayward children, just can't control them, can we? Tax Time just seems to bring out the worst in all of us. . .
Don't worry - she's assured me that she's hard at work on more for us to read, too - but everyone knows how to get more stories by *now*, right? Feedback, feedback, feedback.
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Counter started April 19, 1998
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