Sister-- such a simple word
            that means so very much....
          a little hug, a great big smile,
             a warm and gentle touch.
Sister-- such a simple word
            For someone held so dear,
         For someone who is cherished
            Even more with every year
Sister-- such a simple word
               to cover all the ways
              she's helped you out
                and picked you up,
   brought sunshine to your days...
Sister-- such a simple word
            and yet there is no doubt
               six simple little letters
           Spell what love is all about.
~Hallmark Greeting Cards~
Diamonds are nice, but a sister is a girl's best friend! -- K. Brown**
Sisters know that to be totally sane,
have to have moments of craziness
-- K. Brown**
A sister is
a special part
of all that's precious
to the heart
When you have two sisters
you're twice blessed.
--K. Brown**
(but the only brother growing up among three sisters
may sometimes wonder what he did to deserve it!)
On the road of life, sisters will always find a way to get there together.
** The Joy of Sisters--Karen Brown 1997
I believe there are Angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest  hour
They show us how to live
Teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love....
Warp to the Fanatics' Castle
For all the lyrics to "Angels Among Us" go to
Country Music Lyrics